Thème développé sur mon blog dans New-York in French :



Ne soyons pas naïfs ! La tyrannie du règne de l’enfant-roi date du XIXème siècle aux États-Unis. Henry James en 1886 dans The Point of View , fait dire la chose suivante à l’une des protagonistes du livre ; «  À propos of the young people, that is our other danger; the young people are eating us up, there is nothing in America but the young people. The country is made for the rising generation; life is arranged for them; they are the destruction of society. People talk of them, consider them, defer to them, bow down to them. They are always present, and whenever they are present there is an end to everything else. They are often very pretty; and physically, they are wonderfully looked after; they are scoured and brushed, they wear hygienic clothes, they go every week to the dentist's. But the little boys kick your shins, and the little girls offer to slap your face! There is an immense literature entirely addressed to them, in which the kicking of shins and the slapping of faces is much recommended. As a woman of fifty, I protest. I insist on being judged by my peers. It's too late, however, for several millions of little feet are actively engaged in stamping out conversation, and I don't see how they can long fail to keep it under. The future is theirs; maturity will evidently be at an increasing discount. Longfellow wrote a charming little poem called "The Children's Hour," but he ought to have called it "The Children's Century." And by children, of course, I don't mean simple infants; I mean everything of less than twenty. The social importance of the young American increases steadily up to that age, and then it suddenly stops. The young girls, of course, are more important than the lads; but the lads are very important too. I am struck with the way they are known and talked about; they are little celebrities; they have reputations and pretentions; they are taken very seriously. »

C’est alors que le diktat du babyproofing and childproofing de la maison vous ordonne de tout protéger, tout camoufler, d’acheter tous les gadgets possibles et imaginables afin de rendre votre maison absolument harmless pour un bébé, sans angle droit aucun… ce qui fait que les intérieurs américains ressemblent davantage à une crèche qu’à une maison pour adultes. Ce qui en soi n'a aucune espèce d'importance puisque elle est dépourvue de style et n'a d'allure que la fonction qu'elle revêt au moment donné. On a alors l’impression que ce sont les parents qui habitent chez leur bébé. 

Statue d'une mère et de ses enfants, Galleria Barberini, Rome (auteur non précisé)

On child-rearing & up-bringing...

In both languages, we hear "élever des enfants", child-rearing/raising, up-bringing, verticality is required. In 1886, Henry James, wrote : « the young people are eating us up, there is nothing in America but the young people... life is arranged for them... People, consider them, defer to them, bow down to them... But the little boys kick your shins... There is an immense literature entirely addressed to them, in which the kicking of shins and the slapping of faces is much recommended ...The future is theirs... little celebrities; they have reputations and pretentions; they are taken very seriously. »” If a trait was noticeable in the 19th century, still valid today, it is very likely to be ingrained in the core cultural fabric of America. Officializing the “terrible two’s” and condoning tantrums while giving them ritalin later because they are diagnosed with ADD is an American way of dealing with child-rearing. Over-baby-proofing of the American home and by extension, over-child-proofing society leads parents to live at their children’s home. In France, the mother bets on her child’s “reason”, "L’âge de raison", “et le remet à sa place” (cannot be translated into American). She has an intellectual bond with her children. Cultural crystallizations allow us to see two traits collide. Cultural development helps gain awareness on why is it this way. 

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